“Prayer is coming before Him with your wants and petitions, as simply and as really as a child, being hungry, comes to his earthly father and asks for some bread. This is prayer: and we all know the need of it: but to practise it in earnest, that is the hard fight.”
– John Keble, Sermons for the Christian Year, 8.10, 99
All Christians are called to be regular in personal prayer and in their reading and study of Scripture. At St. Thomas, many opportunities for devotional and Scriptural study are provided.
Parish & Daily Devotionals
To support personal prayer and devotion, seasonal and daily devotionals are available from the Church. These include the Forward Day by Day booklets, and others.
In Advent and Lent each year, seasonal devotions are prepared to assist the whole parish in making corporate devotion, whether through the contemplation of the same Scriptural reflections, or through the joint memorization and prayer of Scripture.
In addition to physical devotions, online devotions are a wonderful way to get devotionals sent to your inbox each day. St. Thomas commends The Living Church Daily Devotional for use.
Bible Study
We believe that “Holy Scripture containeth all things necessary to salvation.” (BCP 868) As such it is important for individual Christians to be familiar with Holy Scripture. In addition to devotionals, our weekly Bible study group gathers to “read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest” the word of God. (BCP 184)
The Bible study group current meets Thursdays at 11:15 AM in Wisdom Hall.
Order of St. Luke
The Order of St. Luke is an international and ecumenical organization devoted to healing prayer. OSL members at St. Thomas meet together weekly to offer healing prayer in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to those in any form of need. OSL members regularly participate in our weekday mass of intercession and healing, where we pray for all those in need and for the healing of the world, as well as offer the laying on of hands for any present who request it, and anointing with holy oil for those who are sick. The St. Thomas chapter of the Order is called the New Hope Healing Community. Further details can be found here.
The Order of St. Luke is quite active in the Diocese of Central Florida, and there are regular conferences, gatherings, and other events which members may participate in as a part of the wider Church community.

Daughters of the King
The Daughters of the King is a national women’s devotional order within the Episcopal Church. Daughters gather regularly to pray for others, for healing, and for fellowship and study; to know God and make him known to others. Daughters also commit to a rule of life that includes pillars of prayer, service, and evangelism.
St. Thomas is home to the St. Genevieve chapter, which is now in a period of revitalization and growth. The national website for Daughters of the King can be found here.