“Spiritual direction takes up where Catechesis leaves off.”
– Dr. David Sherwood,
Professor of Ascetical Theology at Nashotah House Theological Seminary

Evelyn Underhill defined the spiritual life as “a life in which all we do comes from the centre where we are anchored in God.” This woman, who Archbishop Michael Ramsey said did more to keep English spirituality alive in England between the wars than any other person. Her commitment to encouraging the spiritual life among ordinary Christians was unparalleled, and she is commemorated on the Christian Calendar as a saint of the Church for her years of service as a spiritual director and her spiritual insights published in her books and letters.
While the Christian faith is lived out in community, it is still a deeply personal affair, in that each person is uniquely created in God’s image. As such, there is no singular plan or regime of prayer or study which suits all people. As such we each need individual encouragement and direction as we seek to deepen our spiritual lives.
Christians are formed and trained in understanding and knowledge of God through the process of catechesis, but the application of that theological knowledge to the individual Christian’s life of prayer takes place through the realm of spiritual direction. (Fr. Martin Thornton, Spiritual Direction) Spiritual direction is a distinctively Anglican emphasis in our spiritual lives in that parish clergy are called to provide ‘deeply personal guidance’ to individual parishioners to aid them in progressing in their spiritual lives. For any persons who follow the Apostle’s request to teach them to pray (St. Luke 11:1), Christ has provided priests in his Church prepared to support each person in their growth in the life and practice of prayer.
If you are interested in receiving spiritual direction, please contact the office to set up an appointment with the Rector.